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How to weight loss without gym

How to loss weight in simple step.
Morning time
 When you wake up in the morning, first you drink lukewarm water. It is very important to walk in the morning. A search has shown that the person should walk at least 600 steps, because it costs more than 200 calories in our body.
After that, you have a workout that is very important for you to take a fitness trainer and work out well or you yoga is very important. After us workout in yoga mornings you should eat some energy stuff or you water Drink water is very important, you have to take lots of protein and take low fat and also take carbohydrates.
weight lose tips
weight loss tips
It is very important for you to fast in the morning. You can make a good breakfast. You can take oats in the morning fast in the morning. Weight loss is good for one. You can take oatmeal and when you have thirsty take lemon water and take green tea together. Remember you do not have to eat fast food.
Green tea
Green Tia has great advantage
1 This was weight loss
2 Increases your brain's thinking
3 avoids cancer


Lunch and Dinner 
You can eat only two bread along with salad, also take salad in the salad and take lemon together and take onions too. You eat more salad than the food and stay away from things made from flour and the food you eat in small plate  takes this from our mind that we are eating less food. It will be very beneficial and you can also take chicken but do not drink more oil and you drink more water.

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How to weight loss without gym How to weight loss without gym Reviewed by NEERAJ KUMAR YADAV on July 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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